Classic Computer Magazine Archive About the Classic Computer Magazine Archive

The Classic Computer Magazine Archive is a small crusade to make information from old computer magazines available on the Web.

The site was launched July 27, 1996 with the name "Digital Antic Project" and the goal of putting the full text of Antic magazine online. We met that goal on September 17, 2000, then turned our attention to Antic's sister magazine, STart. In July 2001, we finished putting the full text of STart magazine online, and began work on Creative Computing. We have also received permission to include articles from Compute!, Hi-Res, Antic Amiga Plus, Whiz Kids, II Computing, and other classic computer magazines. It was clear that the name "Digital Antic Project" was becoming increasingly inaccurate, so in July 2001, the name of the project was changed to Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

The head of the project, Kevin Savetz, has received permission from the magazines' publishers to make the material available on the Internet for free.

If you'd like to help by scanning, HTMLizing, proofreading or doing something else, send me mail! If you wrote for any of these magazines, we want to hear from you.

This archive is being created by scanning and OCRing (Optical Character Recognition) the magazines. You may find that the OCR process has introduced typos into the text.

About The Magazines

Antic magazine was one of the very best magazines devoted primarily to 8-bit Atari computers, with some emphasis on Atari ST computers. It was published from 1982 to 1990.

STart magazine was dedicated primarily to Atari ST computers, with some emphasis on Atari 8-bit computers in later issues. It was published from 1986 to 1991.

Creative Computing, published from 1974 until 1985, was a wonderful magazine for computer hobbyists that covered every platform. This archive currently offers the full text of 35 issues, spanning Creative Computing's final three years. (Images are program code are not yet available.) This portion of the archive is still very much under construction - want to volunteer to help?

Compute! was published from 1979 through September 1994. It covered every major platform until it became a PC-only publication in May 1988.

A.N.A.L.O.G. magazine was devoted primarily to 8-bit Atari computers, with some emphasis in later years on Atari ST computers. It was published from 1981 to 1989. In April 1988 (issue 59), the magazine was purchased by Larry Flynt Publishing. This site has permission to offer the full text of A.N.A.L.O.G. during LFP's ownership — 21 issues from April 1988 through December 1989.

ST-LOG, devoted to Atari's 16-bit ST line of computers, began as an insert in ANALOG Computing magazine in 1986. It spun off as a separate magazine for about three years, before being folded back into ANALOG again in 1989. ANALOG and ST-Log were sold to Larry Flynt Publishing in 1988. This site has permission to share the L.F.P. issues: from April 1988 until ST-Log ceased publishing in 1989.

Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games magazine was a short-lived spin-off from Creative Computing, with only two issues published, in 1983. But they were both packed with great information about home and arcade games. The full text of both issues is available here.

Hi-Res was a short-lived magazine dedicated to Atari and Commodore 8-bit computers. It was published from 1983 to 1984 - only four issues were published.

Compute II, subtitled "The Single-Board Compute", was a sort-lived spin-off from Compute! magazine that only published two issues in 1980. It focused on KIM, AIM, SYM, and OSI single-board computers. The full text of both issues is available here.

Compute!'s Gazette was a spin-off of Compute! magazine, dedicated to Commodore computers. Compute's Gazette was published from July 1983 to February 1995. We adopted this part of the archive from someone else, and it needs a lot of work to match the look and features of the rest of the site. Full text is available for only a few articles.

Tandy Computer Whiz Kids was a series of comic books published by Radio Shack from 1984 until 1991. It featured kids engaged in exciting adventures, information about the world of computers, and frequent mentions of Radio Shack products. All WHIZ KIDS materials reproduced under license from Radio Shack Corporation.

ROM was a short-lived Canadian magazine dedicated to Atari 8-bit computers. The bi-monthly magazine was published from 1983 to 1985 (although most issues aren't labeled with a month/year.) Only ten issues were published. It is not to be confused with the magazine "ROM - Computer Applications for Living" which was published in 1977-1978.


The magazine text and images in this archive are copyrighted by their respective publishers, and are reprinted with permission. The advertisements in the ad gallery are copyrighted by their respective advertisers and are used without permission. Everything else is copyright © 1996-2025 by Kevin Savetz. Enjoy the material on this Web site, but don't repost it anywhere, and don't use it for commercial purposes.

Thanks to...

Thanks to Mark L. Simonson (for his graphic artistry,) Bob Janice, Michael Current (Atari god,) Henry Hahlbohm (scanning maniac,) Allan Bushman (another scanning maniac,) Willi Kusche (assembly language guru,) Ron Hamilton (who has more patience than you or I can ever hope to have,) Matthew Pike (PHP guy,) and all of the other volunteers.

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